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The best brands of soft lures

The universe of the fishing is constantly evolving, with more and more brands appearing on the market. Whether you are a novice or fisherman seasoned, it is not easy to find one's way. Our catalog of soft lures selection of thousands of references, so that you can see more clearly we have prepared a selection of the best soft lure brands.

To make it even easier, we have segmented our article according to the most common uses. Indeed, depending on the species of fish Depending on what you are looking to catch, it is advisable to choose a suitable brand and model. It is essential to first know certain characteristics that you will need to look at, they will allow you to choose the product in line with your needs, your performance will only be improved.

  • The animation
  • The vibrations
  • The colors
  • The adapted assembly
  • The size
  • The prey he imitates

Also consider choosing the line, the range of rod fishing And the reel in relation to your goals, your set must be coherent! Our selection is not exhaustive, as you can imagine it is very difficult to include all the interesting brands in a single article. Just as it is difficult to take into account all kinds of practices in the soft bait

Our selection of best brands of soft lures is composed of the following brands:

  • CWC Strike Pro
  • Illex 
  • Savage Gear 
  • Westin
  • Delalande
  • Berkley
  • Fox Rage 
  • Deps 
  • Bass Assassin
  • Gunki
  • Reins
  • Keitech
  • Lunkerhunt
  • Spro

Brands of soft lures for pike fishing

The soft bait is one of the most effective solutions for pike fishing. You will be able to coat it with attractant, vary the colors, your targets will love it and will not let go of your lure anytime soon! Let's start the presentation of the brands without further ado:

CWC Strike Pro, the timeless lures

Handle With Care Strike Pro is a Swedish brand created in 1972. The search for the pike is one of the most popular in Scandinavia, hence the excellent performance and quality of CWC products. You will find many essential products at their place that you absolutely need in your box.

We are particularly thinking of the Pig Shad Tournament 18 cm, ultra efficient and versatile, you will have numerous ways to proceed with your assembly. Shallow, jig head, trailer for Miuras Mouse, or free Texan, it's up to you to choose, all three are interesting options.

pig shad tournament

You will also find the new Gunsliner 20cm, a true predator magnet, it stands out from other shad and finesse with its flattened tail that will emit different oscillations. It will be an excellent choice in fishing areas where the pressure will be relatively high and the fish educated.

gunsliner 20cm

The Pig Tail is a soft bait of the grub type developed by CWC. It comes in 2 versions: JR and Giant. It was designed for pike fishing with a gum that is both soft and resistant for an attractive swimming action while resisting the teeth of this freshwater predator. In addition, the Pig Tail is equipped with a rattle in the tail that emits an attractive clicking sound.

Leurre souple Pig Tail JR CWC Tiger Pike

Discover the products of the brand CWC Strike Pro

Illex, French specialist in quality

This is the French benchmark in terms of quality., Illex is a relatively young brand that has shaken up the market with its modern image. Today, they are on par with the big names in the industry, thanks to their increasingly high-performing embedded technologies year after year.

The range offered is substantial and caters to all types of practice, however the French brand stands out with its lures who excel in tracking predators. The Nitro Shad 120 is the perfect example, with its great versatility it will have no trouble appealing to both traction bars, as well as pike or zander in linear or vertical. Its unique swimming style allows it to evolve near different structures and the technologies it carries offer simply incredible performances, like its crustacean attractant "Nitro Booster" which has long since proven itself.

illex nitro shad 120

The Dexter Shad continues from season to season to attract pikes. Its large paddle, which displaces a lot of water, allows pikes in murky waters to attack it with great success. Equipped with a rig shallow or heavier, this soft bait adapts to all environments.

Discover the products Illex

Savage Gear, unbeatable lures

The brand originating from Northern Europe is one of the references in the field. You can buy their products with your eyes closed, they have proven themselves by passing through the hands of many fishermen. The Suicide Duck or the 3D Roach are unbeatable products that have nothing more to prove.

They are now constantly innovating by designing new products that are increasingly efficient and realistic. The 4D Line Through Pulse Tail Trout and the 3D Craft Trout Pulsetail are convincing choices that will bring you excellent performance.

The Herring Shad, this soft bait Ideally mounted on a punch rig head, it is formidable in linear as well as in sharp shooting. This ultra-flexible lure has undergone a rejuvenation. Its formerly fragile rubber has been reinforced for greater durability.

See the products Savage Gear 

Delalande, a French know-how

The family business is based in Indre-et-Loire, it is a brand that has a solid expertise in the design of lures. They have managed to carve out a significant place in France thanks to their high-quality products. All sizes and all types of fishing are represented, so you will find a bit of everything.

A sure value for the pike is the Neo Shallow in 16cm, equipped with a Texas hook weightIt will be suitable for use in shallow areas or above seagrass beds. Its particular shape allows it to emit significant vibrations as well as to perform a movement unique to itself. The family business will equip you with high-quality equipment made in their workshops in Ukraine.

leurre souple neo shallow de chez delalande

Discover the products of this brand

Westin, a complete range for pike fishing

Westin is a brand of Swedish origin. It has been developing soft lures for fishing this large predator for many years. Among them, the Ricky The Roach, a stocky shad aiming to imitate a roach. It comes in several sizes to fish effectively throughout the season.

The Shad Teez is also a must-have from the brand. Some use it for zander fishing, but it proves to be formidable for pike fishing thanks to its very pronounced rolling. The Headlight color is among the most effective for deceiving the pike.

The top brands of soft lures for pike-perch fishing

The zander requires the use of specific lures to ensure optimal performance. Even though there are sometimes minor differences between lures for pike and zander, the latter are more particular about colors and vibrations. A relevant choice will need to be made. A relevant choice will need to be made.

Berkley, performance at all costs

This brand, created in 1937, needs no introduction, it is one of the most recognized by fishermen. Its goal is clear, to help you catch as many fish as possible. Performance is the key word, to achieve this, Berkley puts a lot of resources into the search for new innovations and it works pretty well!

Now internationally recognized for the quality and technology of its products, the brand wins numerous awards around the globe. You can trust us, your performance will only be improved. We can advise you on the Sick Vamper in 22cm, to be used in vertical and pelagic, its particularly soft rubber will emit irresistible oscillations for predators.

Fox Rage, English excellence

The English brand is surely the one that has evolved the most in recent years. Initially very influenced by the northern countries, it is now interested in France and the southern countries. Choosing Fox Rage, is choosing a know-how acquired over the years and thanks to the best European specialists.

Many models have emerged, and they are becoming increasingly imposing to allow you to catch ever larger predators. Among the most recognized references of the brand, you can count on the Replicant, with an ever more impressive realism, they will undoubtedly deceive your targets. We can also recommend the famous Slick Shad, you can purchase it in a pack to discover the color that suits you best according to your area.

Discover the products Fox Rage

Deps, Japanese craftsmanship

This Japanese brand is one of the benchmarks in the industry. It has directly contributed to revolutionizing the practice in part thanks to incredible and very ingenious products. We have not always been fortunate enough to have access to their products in France, but this is now a thing of the past thanks to the distributor Fish Connection.

So it's high time, if you haven't already taken the plunge, to try one of the products from the Japanese brand. We advise you to start with a Sakamata Shad Real, the latest addition to the brand, a predator magnet both in the sea and in fresh water. Its extremely versatile actions allow it to tackle almost all species, the most stubborn pikes will be fooled by its vertical use.

See the products Deps

Bass assassin, uncompromising efficiency

The American brand is recognized for its expertise as a manufacturer and creator. They are the originators of numerous references in the field such as the Turbo Shad that we will advise you for use dedicated to the search for pike-perch, but also the Sea Shad dedicated to the search for targets at sea.

Innovation is constantly evolving, the brand is releasing many new products such as the highly efficient Lit'l Boss 9cmIn several colors, which will serve you for all kinds of predators in our waters, despite its preference for American species.

Bass assassin, l’efficacité sans concession

Discover the products Bass Assassin

Gunki, a French brand serving fishermen

The skull-headed brand first became known thanks to Frédéric Jullian, a fisherman recognized for his fishing skills and his very rock look. Since its creation in the 2010s, Gunki stood out for its anise attractant but also thanks to its soft lures formidable for pike-perch.

The Rockstar 85 ITB, a small shad imitating a goby, has proven to be formidable for fishing this predator with vampire teeth. Its firm and resistant rubber is perfect for fishing effectively even after several catches.

The Zeel is a fine grub that emits fine vibrations. It is also appreciated for fishing pikeperch in a linear or vertical manner.

Brands of soft lures for trout fishing

Even if trout fishing doesn't necessarily rhyme with soft bait, This practice remains very interesting and allows for regularly catching beautiful fish. It will bring you a lot of adaptability, allowing you to fish between 30cm and several meters of water without changing weight.

Reins, specialist in street fishing and finesse fishing

At first glance, the Japanese brand Reins is not intended for the trout fishing. However, the range of creatures and small shads it offers is very well suited for fishing this small freshwater predator.

The Rockvibe is a shad known and recognized by street fishing anglers. It is formidable for perch fishing but does not leave trout indifferent. Moreover, it comes in a multitude of more or less natural colors perfect for adapting to each situation.

We know, trouts also feed on small insects and larvae on the bottom. At Reins, you will find the Ax Craw, the Ring Craw or the G-Tail Saturn, original soft lures that are attracting more and more trout each year.

Keitech, attractive soft lures

Full of salt and of attractant, the soft lures Keitech are real treats for trout. The Easy Shiner is a shad appreciated for fishing all predators sensitive to smells. It benefits from a wide range of natural colors ranging from ayu, to baby bass, to vairon color.

The Slim Impact Swing It is also essential. With its multiple rings, it emits vibrations upon contact with water and retains even more attractant than other soft lures in the range. Its great flexibility is ideal for imitating prey that is scouring the bottom.

Lunkerhunt, attention to detail

This is an American manufacturer who, as they say, pays attention to detail, offering unique, high-quality profiles. Leveraging their experience in American waters, some products are directly transplanted onto our market and work extremely well. You will find very original models with them, but also some flexible little wonders.

We advise you to turn to the bento swimIn all its colors for example. With a size of 7.5cm, it will be suitable for the largest specimens. The shape of its tail ensures unprecedented mobility and the holographic reflections will reflect a lot of light in all directions. Try it delicately on the surface and you will be quickly won over, its versatility will allow you to use it for almost all predators.

See LunkerHunt products

Spro, essential concepts

The Dutch brand of the group Gamakatsu offers a wide range of diverse and varied products. It has built a solid reputation over the past few years thanks to the very interesting price-quality ratio offered. Spro continues to make a name for itself in France thanks to social media and the quality of its products!

The Trout Master series is a reference that we recommend to you. For example, you will find the Incy GrubIn several colors, for a very reasonable price and surface performance that delivers. Its highly flexible rubber allows it to move very easily at all retrieval speeds. It is flavored with garlic and cheese, ensuring you attract attention in no time. During its animation, a trail of small air bubbles will follow, which is once again a technology unique to the Dutch brand.

Discover the products Spro

All that's left for you to do is to equip yourself with a line, a rod and with a reel, you're all set for some intense fishing sessions!

Our other articles concerning soft lures: 

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