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How to fish with buzzbait?

how to fish with a buzzbait

The buzzbait is a lure that lives up to its name. Indeed, its goal is simple: make as much noise as possible on the surface of the water! Although many rumors circulate and ask to make as little noise as possible when fishing, the experience of many other fishermen has shown that noise allows predators to locate their prey.

The buzzbait is designed to create a buzz! Equipped with a propeller that spins on contact with water, it is formidable for hunting predators that hunt on the surface.


First of all: what is a buzzbait?

a close-up view of a buzzbait

The buzzbait is a lure that is similar to a spinnerbait. It has a metal frame with a propeller at one end and a silicone skirt that hides the hook at the other.

This noisy lure is used on the surface or sub-surface. It is particularly appreciated for fishing predators such as pike, black bass or catfish at the beginning of the season when frogs, snakes or rodents become easy prey.


What fish to catch with a buzzbait?

fishing with a buzzbait

Surface fishing holds many surprises. It allows you to fish a wide variety of predators. Buzzbait fishing targets 3 main species: bass, pike and catfish.

These are predators that are very sensitive to strong vibrations and do not hesitate to attack large prey aggressively.

Our advice for black bass

This voracious fish with a large mouth is the primary target of the buzzbait. Indeed, this fish benefits from a very varied diet. This lure was therefore created for it!

Originally from the United States, the buzzbait is widely used for fishing near obstacles such as weeds, dead wood or pontoons, favorite spots for this predator. It is therefore very important to insist on these areas to make them attack.

In summer, it is mainly active in the morning and evening, when small rodents come out of their hole and the activity of small fish wakes up.

The Counter Strike Buzz from Booyah is a buzzbait with 2 propellers, equipped with a 3/0 hook that can accommodate a trailer. Its 7g will be perfect for prospecting the shallowest areas.

Our advice for pike

In Europe, the pike has not remained insensitive to buzzbaits. Although originally from the USA, this lure is formidable for fishing active predators.

At the beginning of the season, on shallow areas (shallow) you will target pikes that are looking to feed after spawning. Beware of pike teeth!

Remember to adapt your rig by using a fluorocarbon leader of 80/100 minimum, steel or titanium to protect against cuts.

Discover the Cajun from Sakura in buzzbait version, equipped with a metal propeller and a zinc weight for less environmental impact in case of loss.

Tips and tricks: Add a trailer to your buzzbait to increase its volume and the vibrations it generates in the water.

Our advice for catfish

Although catfish hunts are rare to observe, this fish is nonetheless an opportunistic predator. This powerful fish is not known for its good eyesight. Indeed, it navigates and hunts thanks to its disproportionate barbels.

Thanks to them, it moves and locates its prey. Choosing a noisy artificial bait is therefore a good technique. The catfish is not a very lively fish in its attacks, so opt for a retrieval interspersed with pauses to give it time to locate its prey.

Caution: The catfish is a powerful fish. Make sure your rig is strong enough to withstand the fight and attack.

Where and when to use a buzzbait?

a fisherman fishing with buzzbait

The buzzbait is a great prospecting lure. It allows you to easily spot active fish in shallow areas.

When some classic lures like a soft lure on a lead head or a crank can't swim in this type of spot, this propeller lure excels!

The best fishing spots for buzzbaits

The shallow and cluttered areas are favorite spots for this type of lure. They shelter hunting fish like pike, catfish or bass. Whether you are a fan of city fishing or in the wild, this lure will make a buzz!

Indeed, the buzzbait is a lure of choice for fishing shallow and cluttered areas. Like a spinnerbait, it goes very well in the obstacles. Its shallow swimming depth will allow you to vary the speed of animation to trigger attacks.

So favor submerged trees, edges, weed beds, pontoons and boat surroundings.

The best season for buzzbait

The best time to use this fishing technique is clearly the beginning of the season and the summer. It is precisely at this time of the year that the surface activity is the strongest, especially early in the morning and the evening.

Hunts are common at this time and fishing techniques that make a lot of buzz are therefore effective. Indeed, the buzz made on the surface recalls a wounded prey, in other words an opportunity to feed for predators.

In summary,

The buzzbait is a lure that makes a lot of noise! Ideal for prospecting shallow fishing areas, it can be used for pike, catfish and black bass fishing.

Easy to use, a linear retrieval is enough to get hits! For maximum efficiency, vary the retrieval speed, fish near obstacles and do not strike at the touch!

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