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How to use a vibrating blade bait?

une bonne utilisation d'une lame vibrante

The vibrating blade is a versatile hard lure characterized by its ultra-thin profile and ultra-vibrating action. Versatile, the blade can be used in sea or fresh water and tolerates a wide variety of animations. This metallic lure is extremely easy to launch and use. However, for maximum efficiency, some tips and setups need to be known.

The different possible swimming depths with a vibrating blade as well as the different possible setups make it particularly versatile.

Like many hard lures, the blade imitates a small injured fish or one that is fleeing, depending on the animation you give it.

The mounts to use for his vibrating blade

Un exemple de montage pour un leurre lame vibrante

Most vibrating blades are equipped with a staple. line, many fishermen prefer to use knots to attach their lure to their line. bottom line, The staple is important for mounting a blade. The staple allows it to swim properly like a ring. split could do it with a hard lure. It also allows you to preserve your knot.

The teaser montage

Montage teaser pour la pêche avec lame vibrante

This is THE setup for perch fishing! The teaser assembly consists of a blade and a small soft bait placed about forty centimeters above.

This setup involves imitating a perch hunt and thus stimulating the hunting instinct of schooling perches.

It's a very effective setup for catching a lot of perch at the beginning of the season, when the fry are swarming on the edges. Be careful, it's not uncommon to catch 2 perches on this same setup so loosen your brake!

To know : If you fish in public and fresh water, you will need remove a hook of your assembly in order to comply with the current regulations which impose a maximum of 2 hooks per assembly. The Gomoku Ultra Blade will be very good for this assembly with its two double hooks that are easy to remove.

Our tutorial find the video here:A formidable setup for the perch 

Several attachment points

Some blades are equipped with multiple attachment points. These different carnations allow to adjust the swimming depth and consequently the recovery speed.

Indeed, the more you attach your blade to the back, the deeper it will fish. Conversely, by attaching your lure as close to its head as possible, it will swim effectively between two waters or more slowly.

Species to fish with a vibrating blade

Les poissons à pêcher à la lame vibrante

Many are the carnivores vibrations. The perch, the pike-perch, but also the bass are fish that are very fond of this lure that emits vibrations. strong vibrations. Easy to launch, it can be used from the shore, on a boat or on a float tube without any difficulty.

Today, many brands offer a version of this lure: Sakura, , Strike Pro, , Lurefans, , Gunki, , Fox Rage, , Illex, , Savage Gear, , Berkley, , Rapala... That's why you will find vibrating blades from 3 cm up to 12 cm in length for the perch of a wide variety of fish!

Fishing perch with a vibrating blade

Most often of modest size (around 6 cm), the vibrating blade is a real treat for the perch. Its small size allows it to best adhere to the perch's diet.

It can be used as prospecting lure or for the scratch fishing. So it allows you to adapt to the activity of this predator !

When retrieved in a straight line, the blade imitates a fleeing prey. When you make it scratch, it can imitate a fish digging in the substrate or a crayfish.

Fishing for bass

Less common in fishermen's boxes sea, the vibrating blade still has its place for the hunt. bar and this is particularly true when the current is strong! Indeed, its thinness and high density allow it to reach the bottom quickly and hold it. current. In traction, it's an excellent reaction lure.

Tip : At sea, use a blade treated against salt like the SW Vib Blade from home Savage Gear or the Blade Runner from home Illex.

Fishing for pike-perch

Although the pike Although it is most often fished with soft lures, it is not insensitive to hard lures such as long bills or vibrating blades.

By wobbling on the bottom, the blade imitates a wounded fish that is trying as best it can to swim. At the start of the season, the rattle and vibrations stir up its aggressiveness.

Our selection of vibrating blades

Une sélection de lame vibrante pour la pêche

Like all the soft or hard lures that are offered to fishermen today, the blades come in a multitude of sizes, weights and color. shape. Most often, this metallic lure is presented in the simplest of ways, imitating a small fish. Some of these blades are distinguished from others by their sound and their density. All blades are designed to sink, however, some will reach the bottom faster than others due to their thickness and the materials used.

The Powerblade Rattling from home Berkley distinguishes itself by a flat surface located under its head as well as some integrated rattle in the belly. Thus, its descent is slightly slowed down. It is very well suited for scratch fishing for pikeperch or perch.

On the contrary, the Powerblade (from home) Berkley also) flows very quickly due to its finesse. She will be able to reach a significant depth quickly. This blade is perfect for prospecting different water layers, in traction or in linear.

The Vib Blade from Savage Gear benefits from 3 attachment points allowing toadjust his swimming depth. The more you attach your blade towards the back, the more it will maintain a deep swim, and vice versa.

The vibrating blade is a formidable product for tracking carnivores. Whether in fresh water or at sea, this piece of metal stands out for its versatility and durability. It's a lure that generates strong vibrations. It can be used in linear, in traction, to scratch and on a montage teaser.

Benefit from 24-hour shipping on the vast majority of our lures from all brands: Fox Rage, , Megabass, , Gunki, , Illex, , Rapala, , Daiwa, , Berkley, , Storm... Any questions? Do not hesitate to check the reviews under each article or to get in touch with the chat for personalized advice.

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