How to fish with spinnerbait?

comment pêcher avec un leurre spinnerbait

The spinnerbait is very often compared to the spoon. The spoon is a very old and highly appreciated lure for fishing. pike, however, it has a major drawback, that of easily getting caught in submerged branches. The spinnerbait was created with the aim of fishing in crowded areas while remaining as efficient as a spoon (if not more). Since its creation, the spinnerbait has become a must for predator fishing, particularly for pike and bass.

Although its use is very simple and very similar to that of a spoon, to reveal its full potential, there are a few elements and tips to know.

Indeed, there are different sizes of spinners, different shapes of blades, and different colors to meet the needs of all fishermen and for fishing different predators. Moreover, they are not all used in the same way and at the same time.

Tips for choosing the right spinnerbait

As with any lure, color, shape, and size. The spinnerbait comes in a multitude of models. They differ by their size, their pallets, their skirt and their framework. This versatile lure, designed to mimic a small school of fish, is a must-have for anglers in search of freshwater predators. We will explore the different types of spinnerbaits available on the market, focusing on their specific features and what they bring to the table.

The weight

le choix du poids pour le spinnerbait

To choose the grammage color of your spinnerbait, several factors must be taken into account. First of all, the depth type of fish you are fishing for is crucial: lighter weights are suitable for shallow waters, while heavier weights are needed to reach greater depths. Then, the recovery speed The desired influence also affects the choice: a heavier spinnerbait can be retrieved more quickly without it rising to the surface. Conversely, a light spinnerbait can be used near the surface, just above the weeds.

Furthermore, weather conditions and water clarity can affect the visibility of the lure. The weight can help keep the lure in the fish's visibility zone. Finally, the size and type of targeted fish influence the weight of the spinnerbait; larger prey require heavier lures for a realistic presentation. It is recommended to start with a weight Average weight around 14g and adjust these variables to find the ideal spinnerbait for your fishing situation.

Tip: Add a soft bait trailer (shad, grub or finesse) to your spinnerbait to slow its descent. Despite the extra weight, the soft bait adds volume to your spinnerbait and slows down the descent of the assembly.

The pallets

Les palettes d'un spinnerbait

What is a spinnerbait without a blade? A rubber jig, a jig head with hairs but not a spinnerbait. We distinguish three types of pallets on a spinnerbait: the Colorado in the shape of a water drop and the willow in the shape of a willow leaf. These two blades do not have the same action and resistance in the water. To choose the blades for your spinnerbait, several factors must be taken into account. The current is an important element. Indeed, the Colorado palette has much more resistance in the water, combined with the current, fishing will not be pleasant and efficient. Favor a filiform palette like the willow, which will shine and spin without forcing in the rod

The clarity of the water is also a determining factor: for clear waters, favor willow type palettes that produce a flash bright vibrations, while for murky waters, Colorado blades, which are rounder, are recommended because they generate more vibrations. vibrations. If you are looking for a versatile spinnerbait for black bass and pike fishing, opt for a spinner with a willow blade and a Colorado blade. This type of spinnerbait combines the two types of vibrations and remains pleasant to use.

The skirt

Les jupes des leurres spinnerbaits

The skirt Spinnerbait is a crucial element of your spinnerbait. Therefore, it is important to consider several factors that influence its effectiveness. The material used, whether it is in silicone or in natural fibers, determines its liveliness and action in the water. Silicone skirts offer a more lively action, while those made of natural fibers (rabbit hair, bucktail) are more subtle and adopt a more natural swimming motion in the water.

The color should also be adapted to the fishing conditions; standard colors like chartreuse, brown, or white are often effective, but it can be useful to experiment with colors that mimic local prey or stand out in low light conditions. The spinner works like a soft bait or a hard bait In terms of color choices, it will be up to you to experiment and discover which ones stand out at your favorite fishing spots.

Tip: Put the price in spinnerbaits whose skirt is tied up. They are more durable than those equipped with an elastic.

The framework

The framework is an essential element for a spinnerbait. A good frame provides a good presentation of your lure but also the necessary resistance to face the most powerful predators. The titanium material that is most appreciated for the manufacture of the spinner. Indeed, it is a very resistant material with little shape memory. So, your spinner can be twisted in all directions, it will instantly regain its original shape.

For fishing the biggest predators, it is also important to choose a spinner with a closed eyelet. Indeed, most spinnerbaits get caught in the angle formed by the frame without blocking the knot. For black bass fishing, this is generally not a problem. However, the strength of pikes and catfish can cause the knot to slide along the frame. This greatly weakens your spinner and you risk losing your fish.

Discover all available spinnerbaits

When to use the spinnerbait ?

The spinnerbait is a versatile lure that can be used for fishing a wide variety of predators. The use of this artificial bait can be effective. throughout the year, but there are times when its use can be particularly beneficial. At beginning of spring, just after the spawning period, the edges of shallow bodies of water can be ideal areas for the use of spinnerbaits.

In summer, seagrass areas are favorable because fish seek to protect themselves from the heat while finding hunting zones. Finally, at mid-autumn, crowded areas become interesting in anticipation of the cold period. It is important to note that water conditions, such as temperature and clarity, as well as the behavior of the targeted fish, can influence the choice of spinnerbait, particularly the color and type of blade.

Spinnerbait fishing is optimal during transition periods, such as early spring or autumn, when fish are more active and in search of food. In summer, it is recommended to use it during the cooler times of the day, such as morning or evening, to target predators that take refuge in shaded areas to escape the heat.

How to animate it ?

Un pêcheur qui anime un spinnerbait

We distinguish three different types of spinnerbait fishing: slow rolling fishing, sawtooth fishing, and linear fishing. Spinnerbaits can be used as lures to catch different types of fish. prospecting lures, search for active fish but also for fishing for fish positioned on the bottom. To animate a spinnerbait, several techniques can be used depending on the environment, the time of year, and the targeted fish species. The linear fishing It involves retrieving the lure consistently, adjusting the speed to create attractive vibrations. Varying the retrieval speed can also trigger attacks in case of hesitant and following fish.

Another technique is animation in saw teeth. With this fishing technique, the lure is alternately dropped and quickly retrieved, imitating an injured fish. For crowded areas, such as weed beds or submerged structures, small rod tip jerks can help give the lure a more erratic action, thus increasing the chances of provoking an attack from a predator. It is essential to choose the product and master these techniques to optimize your chances of success when fishing with a spinnerbait.

In autumn, when temperatures cool down, the spinnerbait can be used in slow rolling, for a swim near the bottom. For this, prefer a heavier spinnerbait than the one you usually use and bring it back slowly near the bottom. This technique aims to trigger fish lying on the bottom waiting for prey. Slow rolling is a very good technique for pike and bass fishing.

Which fish to catch with spinnerbait ?

The spinnerbait is a very versatile product at an affordable price. Thanks to this lure, you can catch a wide range of predators such as pike, perch, catfish, black bass but also trout. Indeed, there is a wide variety of models that allow you to adapt to each environment and species.

The pike with spinnerbait

The pike hooks that shine. That's why, it has been fished for a long time with shiny hooks. spoons. blade large et lourde pour créer plus de vibrations dans l'eau. Ensuite, choisissez une canne à pêche robuste et un moulinet de bonne qualité pour résister à la force du brochet. Enfin, pratiquez votre lancer et votre récupération pour vous assurer que votre leurre est toujours en mouvement, car le brochet est un prédateur qui aime les proies en mouvement. titanium frame and one closed eyelet. Titanium is very durable and does not have shape memory, so it will be able to resist the force of this predator. Moreover, the closed eyelet helps to keep the knot in its initial position for better hold during the fight.

For maximum light reflections, opt for spinnerbaits with 2 pallets. This type of lure emits a stronger visual presence underwater and more vibrations. To explore deeper, prefer willow blades which will have less resistance when sinking. Pike like to ambush in obstacles such as submerged trees. In this type of configuration, adding a trailer can be wise to slow the descent near the obstacle while remaining attractive. Then, continue with a linear animation. Remember to vary the recovery speed for maximum attractiveness!

Tip: In case of a short key, add a lucky hook for your spinnerbait or opt for the Da Bush Spinnerbait from Savage Gear who is equipped with it.

Black bass like spinners.

To fish the bass "pitching" style is recommended. This technique allows you to cast the lure at a short distance with great precision. In the fall, the bass descends to the lower water layer. In such conditions, the use of a spinnerbait is advisable. roulement lent Fishing along the break is an effective technique. For this technique, use your spinner without a trailer.

Spinnerbaits equipped with a palette willow and one Colorado are highly appreciated by bass. It is also important to vary the speed and animation of the lure to stand out in frequently fished areas. In addition, the spinnerbait is ideal for effectively passing through obstacles appreciated by bass, thus allowing to quickly cover large areas in search of active fish.

The catfish thanks to the strong vibrations

The catfish is an opportunistic carnivore. It doesn't move for nothing! Nature has not given it good eyesight, but it benefits from long whiskers that allow it to detect prey around it. For fishing this behemoth, do not neglect the quality of your spinnerbait. Its price is not necessarily an indicator.

Choose a model sturdy in titanium, with a closed eyelet. Choose a spinnerbait that produces strong vibrations through the use of one or two Colorado blades. As the catfish is an opportunistic fish, slowly retrieve your lure near obstacles by adding a bulky trailer such as a shad or a grub (comma). In this way, you have every chance that the catfish will detect your setup.

The perch thanks to the brilliance of the blades

This voracious little fish that is the perch don't resist the spinnerbait! The micro spinner like the Booyah Micro Pond Magic is a real treat! This type of spinnerbait can be used for trout fishing. This fish, which likes to hunt in schools, does not hesitate to attack anything that shines. The blades of the micro spinnerbait therefore attract perches. So choose a compact model like a micro spinner. For maximum effectiveness, opt for a dynamic, fast and attractive animation. Mix a willow leaf-shaped blade and a drop for maximum sound and visual attractiveness.

Tip: Use a titanium leader line to protect yourself from potential pike attacks.

Trout with micro spinner

The trout has long been fished with a spinning or undulating spoon. Naturally, spinnerbaits have been designed for trout fishing. Smaller, more compact, sometimes without silicone fibers, these micro-spinnerbaits are very effective in rivers, streams, but also in ponds. Among the most well-known is the Area's from Lucky Craft. It consists of a Colorado palette and a weight shaped like a small fish. In recent years, the Micro Larva from home Spro has wreaked havoc. Moreover, there is a version with a single hook. Cast 3/4 upstream to fish deep and pass under obstacles such as stumps, roots, or rocks.

Tip: Consider crushing the barb of your fishing hook for more responsible fishing.

In summary,

Fishing spinnerbait is a technique versatile and effective for capturing various types of carnivores. This lure, composed of a V-shaped frame, metal blades, and a jig head And a silicone skirt is a clever mix between a jig and a spoon. It was designed to fish in crowded areas by emitting vibrations and visual flashes that attract predators.

The pallets, in particular, play a crucial role in creating a movement in the water that mimics that of a small or large fish. To fish well with your spinnerbait, adapt it to your needs, to the species sought, to the turbidity of the water, to the current as well as to the depth. It is a useful artificial bait for fishermen of all levels. The key to success lies in the retrieval speed and the depth at which the lure is held, to best simulate a living fish and attract the attention of predators.

In short, the spinnerbait is an essential tool for any angler wishing to fish effectively. pike, the perch, the catfish, the bass and even the trout, without overthinking it.