The practices of surfcasting fishing can be made all year round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit sea or the ocean will always be there, and no special regulations will prevent you from enjoying your hobby fishing, except in specific locations.
Despite this, there are times when it's better than others to practise the sport fishing at surfcasting. Some will tell you about day and night, with greater activity from the fish at night, and others will talk about the phenomenon of tidal range, with the low tide and the high seas.
This last aspect is the one that interests us and can make a real difference to your success in the workplace waterfront. We will look at the phenomenon of tide and how it is enjoyed on our coasts. We'll then look at a few tips for the best times to enjoy the sea fishing to drop off your bait with maximum confidence.
The swaying of the tides
This phenomenon which we all know. It's the fact that sea or ocean rises and falls repeatedly along the coastline, reaching the open sea or the low tide. It repeatedly covers and uncovers the foreshore which is one of the main zones from fishing at least for fishermen of the west facade.
This action is directly linked to the presence of the moon and sun, it is also due to the gravitational force produced by the rotation of the Earth on itself. It is the combination of these different forces that induces a displacement of water known as the tides.
The force of the tide will be linked to the positioning of the various elements. During the Solstices, tides will be low coefficients when the latter will be relatively important during Equinoxes.
Their strength is usually listed in the form of a calendar, enabling all the fishermen, both professionals and amateurs need to know this information, along with the start time and the height to expect. Equipping yourself with this information is essential if you are to be well placed in the swing of the zone in which you find yourself. There are major differences between the northern and southern zones in terms of timing. There will be a calendar for every major port in France and local editions, particularly in areas where the surf is practised.
Each cycle, comprising rising, falling and slack water, lasts 12 hours and 25 minutes, i.e. just over 2 cycles a day. So we're going to look at these 3 phases of the tides, their currents and its impact on beaches, and try to explain why y fishing or not.
The ebb tide
It's not the most interesting time of year for fishing and work towards it line and canes. The fish depending on the food and elements brought in by the current, the downward flowing water mass escapes into the open sea by means of currents. The fish like bars will have a tendency to quickly desert the edge areas to tracking small fish which follow the zoo and phytoplankton, which do not stay on the bottom.
Despite this, some species from fish can remain in place for the first few hours of the descent. The sparidae will be part of these fish found two hours before and two hours after the start of the descent.
Finally, some structures in water or disposal of funds can be interesting to fishing and stretch the canes. You'll be able to rely on a number of bottlenecks to channel the current as you descend from water, so that the little ones can fish and other foods in very specific sectors. It's not uncommon to find predator fish as well as opportunistic bars close to these areas, ready to pounce on easy food. These spots can also be baïnes, which can be found on beaches south-west France
The rising tide
This is undoubtedly the most interesting period to fishing during the tides. There are several reasons for this, which we will explain below.
Initially, it will be easier to cast far out and let the water gradually cover your line assembly and your bait. This ensures fishing further than you could have done simply by casting. This is an undeniable advantage, particularly during high tides on spots with a high tidal range (height of water movement)
The second point is the direction from current. During the rising phase, the latter will push water from the open sea towards the edge. The food in suspension will in fact follow this fluid mechanics and the small fish will generally follow. It's easy to see why fish more large size you're looking for will stay close to their feeding station. This applies to boat or to lure, is also true here.
Finally, the tide will gradually come to cover the foreshore. It is a rather atypical area that is profoundly rich for all the organisms that live there. The large carnivores always visit these areas at high tide.
For the sessions lightning Surf Casting that some people would like to do, we'd advise you to practice during the last 2 or 3 hours of the session. This will be the most effective and safest way of making the most of your time fish with a line or two.
The stall
This is the period when the tides stops. It corresponds to a moment of pause that exists between rising and falling and between falling and rising. The current is thus reduced to its minimum, offering a moment of calm that is quite rare when you're on the edge from the ocean.
While this is a very pleasant way to enjoy the beach, the sand and be able to practice at lure, it's not the ideal time for the surfcasting. However, some fishermen manage to make the most of this special moment.
It is important to identify areas where a current continues to exist despite the fact that the upward or downward movement of the water. This is the case in certain areas, particularly with the waves. This is your chance to give yourself one last chance to fishing before water begins to withdraw and fall into the descending line, which is unlikely to help you succeed fishing.
In conclusion, if you are a novice fisherman and want to give yourself the best chance of success for your first fishing trips, one of the most important pieces of advice is to buy a tide calendar for your area and find out when the tide is coming in. After your first few attempts, you may already have some information about the location of your fishing that will enable you to perfect your skills throughout your working life fishermen your technique.
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