Assembly Madcat Adjusta Basic River Rigs "Live Bait

Madcat Assembly Madcat Adjusta Basic River Rigs "Live Bait

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adjusta Basic River Rigs "Live Bait" from Madcat, available in three different sizes.

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Combinations Reference Size Price Quantity
Assembly Madcat Adjusta Basic River Rigs "Live Bait

Reference : 56658

Size : S - 160cm - hook 1/0 + 6/0


S - 160cm - hook 1/0 + 6/0

Assembly Madcat Adjusta Basic River Rigs "Live Bait

Reference : 56 659

Size : M - 160cm - hook 2/0 + 8/0

56 659

M - 160cm - hook 2/0 + 8/0

Assembly Madcat Adjusta Basic River Rigs "Live Bait

Reference : 56660

Size : L - 160cm - hook 3/0 + 10/0


L - 160cm - hook 3/0 + 10/0



This Adjusta Basic River Rigs "Live Bait" rig from Madcat is a sure bet for efficiency. It's fitted with an Ajusta Subfloat that's perfect for bottom fishing and current fishing. You'll be able to fit a live fish from 15cm to 17cm, the equivalent of a small carp.

Its base is Ultra-soft Mono Leader, a guarantee of its quality. This rig is available in 3 different sizes, S, M and L. It is capable of withstanding a pressure of 43kg.

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