Soft Bait OSP HP Bug 3,8cm

OSP Soft Bait OSP HP Bug 3,8cm

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HP Bug Soft Bait from OSP, 3.8cm long, pack of 8.

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Combinations Reference Colours Price Quantity
Soft Bait OSP HP Bug 3,8cm

Reference : HPBUG1.5-TW112

Colours : 112 - Blue Back Cinnamon


112 - Blue Back Cinnamon

Soft Bait OSP HP Bug 3,8cm

Reference : HPBUG1.5-TW117

Colours : 117 - Ghost Shrimp


117 - Ghost Shrimp

Soft Bait OSP HP Bug 3,8cm

Reference : HPBUG1.5-TW153

Colours : 153 - Ebi Gori


153 - Ebi Gori

Soft Bait OSP HP Bug 3,8cm

Reference : HPBUG1.5-TW199

Colours : 199 - Brown Frog


199 - Brown Frog



This newsoft bait OSP HP Bug will complete the range of lures for fine fishing. It will enable you to fish particularly effectively in difficult conditions. Fishing in clear water or in areas of high fishing pressure will soon hold no secrets for you.

At first glance, this lure looks like an insect imitation. However, it can be used for a wide range of techniques. One of the first things you'll be able to do with it is cast weight-free. You'll need to cast and take advantage of the gentle descent to the bottom and the vibratory movement of the legs.

The other technique is to use the lure as a Neko Rig, which involves simply placing a single hook on the front of the lure. The lure will then have the same action as the previous technique, but as well as moving from the surface to the bottom and vice versa, it will also undulate from right to left.

You can also benefit from positioning a hook directly in the lure. It's a bit like a wacky system installed lengthways. A Texan rig can also be used for faster fishing or to reach the bottom more quickly.

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of 8 pieces



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