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Predator lure - Page 4?page=4

Among the fish that inhabit our French waters, you'll find the carnivores. Predators to the core, they feast on white fish and sometimes even their own kind. When it comes to fishing for these predators, there are a multitude of lures to choose from, depending on the species of predator you're after.


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The pike is one of the largest carnivores to be found in France after the catfish. Found almost everywhere in France, it is the best-known predator and certainly one of the most sought-after. Powerful and combative, it is a true sports fish that can be caught using a variety of techniques.

Whether on the surface or in the deepest layers of water, there are a multitude of lures suited to their pursuit. The best-known lure categories include :

These different categories are all equally effective at attracting pike, so all you need to do is choose your lure according to the biotope you want to target.


The percidae family mainly includes perch and pike-perch. These are carnivores that also tend to feed on worms and insects. Like the pike, they are found throughout France and can be fished with a multitude of lures.

Pike-perch are much sought-after on lures, but can also be fished with a jigger. It is a very good predator that usually feasts on fish that it has previously killed. Hence the interest in using the dead-mani, a technique that is very effective on this species.

At the same time, it is very interesting to look for it with lures. This is a very wary fish that is tricky to lure and requires considerable technical skill and a suitable hook. Its large eyes enable it to locate its prey very easily and to analyse the contrast of your lures brilliantly.

As for the perch, a voracious little carnivore, it's a delight to fish for! On light rods, with small surface lures or bottom scrapers, this is a very energetic fish that you can catch in large numbers!

Black Bass

The Black Bass is a combative fish par excellence and a firm favourite with sport anglers. An international competition, the Bass Master Classic, is dedicated to this fish. It is one of the most complex fish to track, and can be fished using countless techniques.

On the surface with soft lures, hard lures, scraping the bottom, between 2 waters with swimming fish or with shads. The multitude of combinations to find the menu of the day makes black bass a complicated fish to catch, yet one that is accessible to all.

You don't need to be familiar with all the techniques this species appreciates, there's bound to be one you know that will appeal to black bass. Like the perch, it's easy to get big numbers with this species. The small fish are very voracious and won't hesitate to bite your lures. They're like stomachs on fins!

Our complete catalogue for predator fishing: