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Spinning rod Daiwa

It's undoubtedly one of the biggest fishing brands in the world, not only because of its reputation but also because of the number of products it offers to cover every imaginable style of fishing.

The range of spinning rods Daiwa offers is one of the most comprehensive and high quality on the market. All the rods are of the highest technical and technological level, and the brand name is respected for its entry-level models too.

You'll find unique technical and technological developments, such as the exclusive daiwa reel assembly, the daiwa air sensor, theV joint joint, high modulus carbon, 3dx carbon, the cork handle, and many more. Each range of rods is fitted with the Japanese brand's technology, ensuring you get even better performance.

In terms of spinning rod series, you'll find the following in our catalogue:

  • The series
  • The series
  • The series
  • The series
  • The series
  • The series
  • The series

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced angler, whether you fish from the shore or from a boat, in saltwater or freshwater, you're bound to find the rod that suits your needs and fishing techniques.


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Spinning rods dedicated to the sea

If you're a fan of the sea, by boat or from the shore from the beach or rocks, you'll find what you're looking for among these different activitiesseries of canes

The Legalis Seabass series

Thisseries of rodsHas been designed for back-casting from coastal rocks or the beach. These rods are reinforced withhigh modulus carbonArefitted withRings Fuji O Ring, so you can throw long distances.

The entire blank iscarbon reinforcedCrossed to make it really robust and to easily withstand the fierce battles of marine predators. You'll also benefit from an inverted shank and high heels offering a comfortable leverage arm to handle your lures and dry your catch with efficiency.

This series includes manyTechnical and technological developmentsFrom Daiwa, the quality/price ratio is very good.

In the fishing lure catalogue you will find the rod .

The Black Gold Seabass series

This series, dedicated to the sea, is often renewed by the Japanese brand to bring you the very latest productstechnical and technological. This is the rod ideal for use with the exclusive reel of the same name.

You'll enjoy very powerful blanks mounted withx45 and reinforced with high-quality HVF carbon. These characteristics enable it to withstand extreme bending and twisting, while returning to its original shape in no time at all.

Capable of covering a wide range of sea fishing techniques, you'll find a wide range of powers and lengths in our catalogue. All theProudly display the legendary design of the series, a plus for anglers sensitive to this kind of detail. Gold and black combine with elegance and class to create a unique product.

The Saltist Seabass series

The sea range fromspinning rodIs once again reinforced with the, 11 models to meet the needs of the most demanding anglers.

This range is equipped with the ultra-efficient high modulus SVF blank, which offers sensitivity combined with unbeatable power and light weight. The carbon fibres are crossed to enable it to work in all directions with the same efficiency.

Equipped withpress fit V joint, you'll get real synergy with the action of the rod. Exclusive reel seat and rings Fuji Alconite adds the finishing touch for an ultra-high-performance end product.

To sum up, when you choose the Saltist Seabass series you get aBlank carbon SVF Nanoplus technology(Super-high Volume Fiber) mounted withx45 and carbon reinforcedBraiding X. This equipment is particularly aimed at experienced anglers and those who want the best from the brand.

Spinning rods for freshwater predator fishing

Freshwater predator fishing plays a major role in the Japanese brand's range of tackle. As with the sea rods, you will find high quality blanks thanks in particular to theircarbon surface, thenanoplus technology, thedaiwa v jointOr acork handle

The Prorex series

This series is itself divided into 3 further ranges, each with a more or less advanced level of technology and quality.

LaWill be the most accessible, so you'll get the essentials for effectively stalking pike and perch and getting them out of the water.

Ahigh quality carbon HVFProvides the robustness required for rod, the new Seaguide Sic rings and thecork handleA real pleasure to use.

LaWill be the mid-range offer, you'll get something much more advanced than the S version. The blank is taken to a new level thanks to thehVF carbonEnhanced with nano plus technology and wrapped with thex45 technology. You'll have a lot of fun and a great time.

L'daiwa v jointWill add flexibility to the blank while increasing its strengthexclusive daiwa air sensor reel seatTo lighten the overall effect.

LaIs the highest quality, you'll get the same level of technology as the XR with a reel seatcarbon surfaceA very ergonomic design that will provide anglers with even more information. Sensitivity has really been the watchword of the Japanese brand, so you'll be able to cover a wide range of fishing styles.

Prorex products available in the catalogue :

The Tatula series

Thetatula canesHave won a number of awards, including World Black Bass Champion in 2014, so that should give you an idea of the performance of this range.

The brand continues to improve it year on year, with ever more effective components. One of the biggest advantages of this range is that it is entirely designed from start to finish forEuropean fishermen, you can be sure that you're dealing with a product that's suited to our waters.

Tatula rods in our catalogue :

  • Tatula 711 MHFS Spin 

The Steez AGS series

This rangeSteez AGSIs, in the eyes of Bass anglers the world over, the best of the best.

This is a top-of-the-range segment that offers only the best in terms of materials and technology.

Extreme sensitivity, lightness and robustness: these are the main advantages of theSteez AGS. You will of course find one of thebest blankOf the market, withcarbon SVFMade from nano resin, X45 fabric, so you can master your throws with precision and easily control your fights.

Our Steez AGS rods in the catalogue :


The Emeraldas series

This series will be of interest tocephalopod fishers. You'll find lengths perfectly suited to this type of fishing as well as highly effective actions.

Cuttlefish and squid require special equipment, which theemeraldas rangeResponds fully.

You'll get great sensitivity thanks toUnique carbon framesAnd a superb resonance thanks to the rings they are fitted with.

Emeraldas models available:

Our other cane models Daiwa :