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Jig, the essential freshwater lure

Are you interested in lure fishing and in particular the choice of your future jig. It's vital to get the best equipment for the job. It is therefore extremely important to know all the subtleties of the jigs :

  • Colours
  • Size
  • Shape

Our wide lure collection, whether you're a professional or an amateur, you're sure to find the perfect piece of equipment to complete your outfit fisherman practising in boat or from the edge.

Le Jig is a lure which has become very popular in recent years, not only because of its simplicity, but also because of its ability to access fishing grounds previously reserved for the best of us. This type of lure allows you to reach great depths. Metallic and strong weightThey can cope with a wide range of situations, from strong currents to extreme depths.

This lure is made up of a single piece of metal fitted with a assist hook. There are a huge number of variants, as this is a product range in itself. The Jig can recall the wobbling spoons by certain aspects of its operation, although the opportunities it offers are totally different.

To make the best choice for your lure, it's important to understand how to do this. Visit jig is chosen according to the conditions of fishing available to you and your business rod and reel. And not where you are. There are two types of jig :

  • The jigs Center weight
  • The jigs Tail weight

Centre weights are designed for a slow descent, allowing you to work horizontally, flowing like a dead leaf. This allows you to create irregular, realistic movements. This lure will be suited to relatively calm weather and water with little current.

Tail weights are designed for rapid descent. It is longer than its sister model and its weight is on one side only. It is capable of avoiding being swept away by powerful currents and reaching very great depths.

So you need to take all this into account before making your choice armament of your lure and a choice of line which are often neglected.

How do you choose your Jig ?

Now you're wondering whether there are any things to look out for when buying this type of lure and you're right. It does need to have a size adapted to reel and the rod you are using. Be sure to check the power of each element in your set, as the whole needs to be coherent.

The choice of colours is also important, and will vary according to the type of water you find yourself in, but also the season, the aggressiveness and the temperature of the water species you are targeting. In tinted water, at depths where there will be very little light, it is necessary for the fish see the lure to get interested. There are two schools of thought on this subject: one recommends a natural colour, black in this case, and letting the lure strike naturally. The second school recommends fluorescent colours such as orange or chartreuse. This way the lure reflects the little light there is and attracts your targets more easily. We advise you to go for this option, which has already proved its worth. If you plan to fish in open water, blue, silver and green are the most commonly used.

The second important point for making the right choice: the weight of lure. Depending on the equipment you use, but also on the depths you want to reach, it will be different for each situation. If the current is weak and you're not going deeper than 70 metres, lures of around 80g will be more than enough. Our advice is to buy a range of lures from 5g to 60g, so you'll be able to cope with almost any situation. If you fish at extreme depths with strong currents, lures weighing between 100 and 150g are the best choice.

L'hook is also a point not to be overlooked. L'weapons adapts to the way you fish and, like everything else, to the conditions and your target. You can fit your lure with single or treble hooks or the famous assist hook, which will do less damage to your catch.

The different types of Jig

This type of lure will allow you to go in search of fish pelagic species which stay close to the bottom during the day. The jig fishing performs very well where other techniques are less good.

There are two main families on the market that are sure to revive every taste fishermen ,one for the speed jigging and the other at slow jigging :

  • Centre weight jigs, for slow fishing. These are shorter lures with a centre weight. L'animation can be worked horizontally. They can be used in calm water conditions with little current. In rough conditions, stick to depths of no more than 30 metres. The most suitable bottoms are flat, as rocky peaks could snag your lure and prevent you from bringing it back to the surface surface. The SlowMo lure from the brand Volkien Soul And Samurai Slow from Japanese Diawa are two very good products to try.
  • Tail weight jigs, for speedy animation. All its weight is on one side, so it reaches great depths in a very short time and is only slightly affected by currents thanks to its elongated shape. The fact that it reaches the bottom quickly is a big advantage, as the deeper you go the more powerful the currents. A lure that doesn't get to the bottom quickly is likely to get swept away without ever touching it. In a case where your lure is deported ad infinitum, you will have unwound your entire line without reaching the bottom, which is problematic in this fishing technique. The Vortex Speed from Williamson is a very good product to take a close look at.
  • The small formats of jigs for brand new techniques are among the most popular products of the moment. They enable fishing in just a few metres of water and interest freshwater fish. Perch, pike-perch, bass, meagre and many other fish are easy to catch. Between a few grams and 60g, you'll already have some great opportunities.

You now have all the information you need to make the best possible choice for your future jig fishing equipment. Take the plunge jig fishing if you haven't already done so, be one of the boat fishermen or from the shore, you won't regret it. You'll reach precise surfaces that you may never have tackled before, and all with disconcerting ease. Don't forget to adapt your hook in line with species, and other products you're looking for.

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