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Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM
  • Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM
  • Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM
  • Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM
  • Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM
  • Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM
  • Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM
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Gunki Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM

Unavailable at the moment


New for 2025: Overtake BCM Casting Reel from Gunki, weighing 215g and with a 8.1/1 ratio.

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Combinations Reference Weight Ratio Brake Bearings Price Quantity
Casting Reel Gunki Overtake BCM

Reference : 46879

Weight : 215g
Ratio : 8.1
Brake : 5kg
Bearings : 5+1








Gunki offers us a brand new casting reel: the Overtake BCM, designed to provide a quick and smooth retrieval, thanks to its high ratio allowing to rewind up to 80 cm per crank turn (TMV). This asset makes it a perfect choice for long prospecting sessions where retrieval speed is crucial, while maintaining optimal comfort during use thanks to its smooth and precise rotation.

Ideal for techniques requiring dynamic animation, this reel excels with lures such as paddle shads, or Heavy Texan rigs and rubber jigs for prospecting around obstacles and quickly getting the hooked fish out.

Its low profile design ensures a comfortable grip, while its 5 kg brake power ensures perfect control during fights.

With a usage range of 10 to 75g, this versatile reel allows you to adapt your animations by easily modulating the speed, whether to maintain a regular pace or to provoke strategic accelerations and decelerations.

Solid and efficient, the French brand scores another big hit with a quality reel at a price that defies all competition.

  • Monoblock frame made of light and powerful composite material
  • High retrieval speed
  • Smoothness & endurance
  • Stainless steel bearings
  • Infinite anti-reverse
  • Perforated Aluminum spool
  • Multi-disc combat brake, powerful and progressive
  • Magnetic centrifugal brake
  • Corkgrip handle


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