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Trout spinning rod

The spinning rod is the trout fishing rod par excellence, and one of the most widely used in France. We offer a wide choice of trout spinning rods, suitable for all lure and bait fishing techniques.

Our top-of-the-range spinning rods have been carefully selected for both sea and river trout fishing.


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Our wide selection of spinning rods for trout fishing

Being a very good angler is not enough to succeed in trout fishing. You need to choose the right equipment! The rod trout spinning rod is ideal for beginners and experienced anglers alike.

You can fish for trout in a pond, river or sea. Freshwater trout are the hardest to catch because the water is too calm. Leurre De La Pêche has selected the best spinning rods, specially designed to catch trout easily.

They are perfect for trout fishing with toc, fly or lure. Ultra-light or more powerful, our spinning rods are fast and very responsive. You can choose between ultra light or UL rods (power: 0.4- 8.75g), light or L models (power: 2-8 g), medium light or ML (power: 3-15 g) and medium (power: 5-20 g).

A wide choice of rods for trout fishing

In our product categories, you'll find all the equipment you need for trout fishing: trout lures, nylons, spoons, hooks and more.

You can also choose from our trout casting rods, our catalogue of dead-handling rods, vertical rods and our various trout fishing accessories. We also offer a wide choice of M (Medium) rods with a power of between 5 and 20 g, and XH (Extra Heavy) rods with a power of between 25 g and 80 g, suitable for heavier lures.

All our rods and trout fishing accessories come from top brands.

Baitfiness casting rods: a fad or a real interest?

The baitfiness concept involves using a light or ultra-light Casting rod of light or ultra-light power. A Casting rod can be considered a rod baitfiness rod with a maximum power of 17g.

These light casting rods are used for trout fishing. They offer all the comfort and qualities of a classic Casting rod:

  • fast, accurate casting
  • power reserve
  • one-handed casting
  • quick contact with the lure

Increasingly used, these rods are not just a fashion statement, they are of real interest to river trout anglers.

The different casting rods for trout fishing

As with spinning rods, casting rods for trout fishing are available in a range of lengths and powers. You'll choose the model that's right for you depending on the lures you want to use and the biotope you want to target.

Casting rods specially designed for trout fishing have a short tip for powerful, accurate one-handed casting. These rods are light and easy to handle and can be used in crowded environments. What's more, their one-handed operation means you can make contact with the lure as soon as it hits the water.

Our complete rod trout catalogue: