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Hard bait Berkley Dex Mullet Walker 12cm
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Berkley Hard bait Berkley Dex Mullet Walker 12cm

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New for 2022 : The Dex Mullet Walker hard bait from Berkley, a 12cm stickbait available in 2 colours.

Combinations Reference Size Colours Price Quantity
Hard bait Berkley Dex Mullet Walker 12cm

Reference : 1572691

Size : 12cm
Colours : Baitfish




Hard bait Berkley Dex Mullet Walker 12cm

Reference : 1572692

Size : 12cm
Colours : Chrome Pink



Chrome Pink



The brand's range of Dex lures Berkley continues to expand with the Dex Mullet Walker 12cm lure weighing 29.2g. This stickbait is robust, reliable and highly effective on a wide range of species. Whether in the sea or in freshwater, it's sure to get the job done.

This stickbait is easy to work when walking the dog, even when the water is rippling in the wind. The Mullet Walker activates at the slightest movement of the tip and swims from left to right leaving behind a trail of very attractive bubbles. These bubbles make it easy for predators to spot the lure on the surface. They also arouse their curiosity and aggression. When fishing for bass, pike, hind, black bass and perch, this stickbait will trigger explosive surface attacks.

Thanks to its construction, the Mullet Walker is the lure of choice for surface fishing in freshwater or sea. What's more, it's fitted with rugged, salt-resistant size 2 treble hooks so you can tackle big predators without fear of breakage.

The Dex Mullet Walker will become your best ally for top water fishing early or late in the morning for a variety of predators.

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