Spinner Mepps Black Fury Yellow Dots

Mepps Spinner Mepps Black Fury Yellow Dots

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Black Fury spinner with yellow dots from Mepps, available in 4 different sizes .

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Combinations Reference Weight Spoon size Price Quantity
Spinner Mepps Black Fury Yellow Dots

Reference : CBJ400 03

Weight : 2,4g
Spoon size : 0

CBJ400 03



Spinner Mepps Black Fury Yellow Dots

Reference : CBJ400 13

Weight : 3,5g
Spoon size : 1

CBJ400 13



Spinner Mepps Black Fury Yellow Dots

Reference : CBJ400 23

Weight : 4,7g
Spoon size : 2

CBJ400 23



Spinner Mepps Black Fury Yellow Dots

Reference : CBJ400 33

Weight : 7,1g
Spoon size : 3

CBJ400 33





Contrast is the key!

The Black Fury spinning spoon from Mepps was introduced in 1962 and was immediately adopted by anglers. In water that has been tinted and chewed up by flooding, black is a high-contrast colour that stands out from the rest. In clear waters, it also gives off vibrations that can be picked up by predators, who are quick to attack.

Made from top quality brass with machined components, the Black Fury is a little heavier than the Aglia for the same size but has optimum balance and efficiency. What's more, their greater density means they can be used to fish deeper areas or in stronger currents. For years, they have proved their worth in the hands of anglers.

With its brass spoon, Swedish stainless steel shaft and top-quality treble hook, the Black Fury is a top-quality spoon.

From size 0 to size 3, you can adapt the size of your spoon according to the species you're after and the prey available. Whether you're after trout, perch or pike, the Black Fury is sure to deliver.

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