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Triple hook Evergreen Treble Hook Magic Feather
  • Triple hook Evergreen Treble Hook Magic Feather
  • Triple hook Evergreen Treble Hook Magic Feather
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Evergreen Triple hook Evergreen Treble Hook Magic Feather

Unavailable at the moment


New for 2022: Treble Hook Feather from Evergreen with 1/0 feather.

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Combinations Reference Size Packaging Price Quantity
Triple hook Evergreen Treble Hook Magic Feather

Reference : EGTREBLEMAGICF-1/0

Size : 1/0
Packaging : per 2



per 2



The Treble Hook Magic Feather treble hooks from Evergreen are designed for reeling in hard bait. Their wide eye allows the hook to be moved around easily to avoid unhooking your catch. Treble Hook Magic Feather treble hooks from Evergreen have a remarkable sharpness and a finish worthy of legendary Japanese quality.

What's more, Treble Hook Feather hooks feature feathers attached to the shank of the hook for extra vibration and a target point for predators to attack. They can be used to accessorise your hard bait or metal jigs to make them more attractive.

Give your hard lures with dull hooks a new lease of life with Treble Hook Magic Feather treble hooks. You'll be able to continue fishing with your favourite lures while optimising their attractiveness and the effectiveness of their bite.

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