Pike spinning rod - Page 2?page=2

Fishing for predators requires suitable pike fishing rods. Despite the rise of the casting rod, the spinning rod for pike remains an important part of the angler's toolbox. Casting rods and spinning rods complement each other when it comes to pike fishing, and each offers its own technical features and advantages.


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The advantages of spinning rod for pike fishing

With the choice of rods dedicated to Esox Lucius fishing, why choose a spinning rod rather than a Casting rod?

Spinning rods generally have a reputation for being more tactile and accurate than casting rods. Spinning rods for pike are no exception. Even though they are designed for good-sized predators, pike fishing requires precision and control over the lure.

Spinning rods give you better control over weed beds. They are widely used for pike fishing with spintails (e.g. Divinator from Biwaa) or with shads up to 18cm. They are extremely comfortable to use when fishing with a drag.

Features of spinning rod for pike

Like casting rods designed for pike fishing, spinning rods for pike are powerful. They have been developed to enable anglers to cast large lures in optimum comfort, while retaining enough power for optimal strikes.

What's more, these rods have wide guides to allow you to cast hard and propel your lures a long way. This allows your line to glide easily despite the use of large-diameter braids and fluorocarbons. Pike rods often have a good-sized butt. This facilitates the rocking effect when you cast, so you reach great distances with little effort. Spinning rods for pike are no exception to the rule and also feature large butt.